The Principle of Mentalism & Your Business
The first hermetic principle is The Principle of Mentalism. This principle states, “The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”
This principle is describing that the “All” that underlies all of reality is essentially consciousness. I equate this with the implicate order as explained by scientist David Bohm, or the energetic vibration that precedes all forms as referenced by quantum physics as well as many other wisdom traditions across the globe, (who also add the element of consciousness to this energy field). Physicist Max Planck wrote, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
Essentially, if you can work at the level of “Mind,” shaping energy and influencing it along a certain trajectory, then you can impact the final result - matter and 3D manifestation. So, how can this help us in our business? Here are two ways:
First: create a strong vision of the course you want to create and what you want to achieve with its completion. When you think about that vision, generate and feel the emotions that you will feel at that time. Create a whole mind-body experience where you have achieved your goals and notice who you have become - how do you think? How do you talk? How do you take action? Observe how you have grown and appreciate what it took to get you there. If you can, step into your future self and see what it feels like to be you. Now, look back at the steps you took to get there. This view can contribute to your current action plan - see what you did and now come into present time and start doing those things. If the Universe is Mental, then starting with the mental vision of what you’re creating will seed the actual manifestation of it….all you need to do is apply inspired action!
Second: In your first class, if you get your students to visualize themselves at the end of your course feeling successful and experiencing the benefits of all that you shared, you are cultivating in them an emotional sensation of success directly related to you (contributing to your credibility in their eyes). Seeing themselves as already accomplished gives them the motivation and energy to do the work to achieve that great feeling they were enjoying. Additionally, it’s also laying the energetic foundation for the result they want, thereby triggering the manifestation process of making that vision a reality.
After guiding them to envision themselves at the end of your course you can ask them, how are they feeling (pride, relief, excitement, joy, inspiration, etc.)? How has completing your course improved their life? What results are they experiencing from having completed your course and applying what you’ve taught? How has this course impacted their life 3 months later? Allow them time to savor the feeling of their success and see how they engage in your course with additional excitement, energy, and focus.
Science has shown that our brain can’t tell the difference between “reality” and what the brain is imaging. So, why activate your mental power in your favor? Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, seed into the mental field how it can all go right, flowing with ease and joy. Once that has been firmly planted into the field and you take action to help it grow, its manifestation in the 3D world becomes a natural consequence.
*The Hermetic Principles I am referring to come from the book, “The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece” written by the Three Initiates. Hermeticism is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus ("thrice-greatest Hermes"). Hermeticism appeared during late antiquity, circa 1 CE.