Magickal Tarot with Vivien Monroe

Are you overwhelmed and need clarity?

Do you feel anxious and depressed because you're denying the truth of who you are and what you want to please others?

Are you confused by what everyone thinks you should do and you feel a rebellious disagreement in your heart that needs permission to be heard?

I use the tarot and my intuition to translate your soul's wisdom and get the answers you need so you can create the magickal life that's always been there waiting in the vortex.

But what's the path of least resistance that will allow that life to unfold with ease?

Tarot is a journey, a guide, and a consciousness that can see the threads of possibilities that come from the choices we make. 

It gives us the opportunity to understand why, how, and what we can do to change our path. 

Tarot stands as an open doorway to our own intuitive knowing. 

We know more than we think we do and Tarot can show us how to tap into Cosmic Consciousness.

I have guided many on the journey back from the noise of the world into the magickal realm of their higher self and soul tribe. 

Once there, we use the Tarot to answer direct questions or lay out the viability of different paths to what you want to manifest.

"My whole life I've always asked for too many opinions on what I should do. When Vivien told me which of the three paths I was indecisive about was the most magickal, I felt an immediate 'yes!' in my soul. Vivien gave me permission to tune out the noise of daily life, including well-meaning but misguided people, and follow my heart. Now I'm on my most joyful, purposeful path and little miracles are happening every day."

- Jeanne Sullivan Billeci 

Magickal Manifesting

Magick is How We Influence Events…

…to get what we want.

It is a science and technology of energy, spirit, and consciousness.

We have more power in our lives than we realize. We can cause change. We can magnetize what we want to be drawn toward us.

When we create energetic shifts and apply responsible, inspired action the results can be extraordinary!

Meet me at the intersection of Tarot and Magick and let’s play!

What do you want?